Shoka Bukit Senja is a good place for a sunset

Welcome back to my channel Okay all friends are still with me Yadi Bantul channel this time I will invite all of you to visit a very fun place to enjoy Sunset or the twilight atmosphere, namely Shoka Bukit Senja. Oh, my friends , I hope that the hill so far is actually located in the Gunungkidul area, to be precise, in the hamlet of Pondok, Giricahyo, Purwosari, Gunungkidul, Jogjakarta. However, because it is located just above Parangtritis beach, this location is very easy to reach from the city of Bantul, namely via the Parangtritis Panggang route. . So, if we go up from Parangtritis beach to the east, we will meet a bend and there is a fork so we take the right.

Well this road is in the same direction as Watugupit paragliding Parangtritis because Shoka Bukit Senja is located right next to Watugupit paragliding. well, here in the afternoon it is very beautiful. I happened to come in the afternoon and at this time the sun was setting, which was right in the middle of the sea, so the sunset was very beautiful. oh yeah buddy, all the beaches that are visible from up here down there are Parangtritis Beach.


Alhamdulillah, this afternoon the weather is very sunny so we can see the sunset that will soon sink, here we can while enjoying the drinks and fried foods provided at this shop.

Of course, with a relatively cheap price, this place is very suitable for young people who invite his partner to enjoy the sunset on Parangtritis beach because at sunset the atmosphere is very beautiful and very romantic. Oh, my friends, what is Sokha , this hill of dusk, follow my journey to the end and don’t forget to always like, comment and subscribe, all of you, let’s go to the front area there. So from this area we can see Parangtritis Beach from here. So, friends, all of the below are Parangtritis Beach, how about all of them, friend, it’s very beautiful, not Sokha Bukit Senja, only with a parking fee of Rp.

3000, – we can already enjoy the natural beauty that is in Shoka Bukit this evening.

So if we come here in the afternoon, we will see the sunset and there are also many paragliding flying past this hill so that it becomes very beautiful with the sunset background above Parangtritis beach. that’s a lot of reviews from me Yadi Bantul Channel, don’t forget to always like comments and subscribe so that if there is a notification of the latest video from me, immediately see my video assalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh.