Pantai Parangtritis Beaches near Yogyakarta Indonesia (Java Island)

Good morning and welcome to beautiful sunny Indonesia Today we are going to go and check out the beaches that you can visit from Yogyakarta I’m starting the day my beach day up on the cliff yep not starting the beach day on the beach but on a cliff overlooking the beaches that are close to Jogja within an hour I got up earlyish this morning, 7, and drove through the traffic wasn’t too bad but it still took me 50 minutes to get to this point of looking the beaches the idea is to get a nice scenic view of the beach and oh it’s breezy up here that’s lovely this big view point out here Wow how beautiful is that there’s this concrete area goes down to the edge of the cliff there is a red line I think you’re not meant to go any further than that and you see all that beautiful coastline spreading from miles looks like there might be some good surf down there too Now just a short ride from the viewpoint down here and welcome to Parangtritis beach, the most popular beach that is close to Yogyakarta now some things to note about the beaches along this south stretch here they are are not your typical white sand calm blue sea water beaches while the sand is still soft and pleasant to walk on it has a remarkable dark – black coloring this is because of the volcanic ash which over the years has been liberally scattered over the whole region by the many local volcanoes also the water is not that swimming friendly there are Riptide strong swells and large waves so it’s very pretty to look at but not so good for getting into even if you’re a strong swimmer you’ll note there’s not a lot of people swimming here and there is nobody surfing so that says something so that means that most people come here to enjoy their times on the beach leading to an increase of beach based activities like horse and buggy rides ATVs and four-wheel driving experiences as well as lying in the sun and sunbathing and while it may seem chaotic when you first arrive at the beach you only need to take a short walk either to left or the right and you can find yourself a quiet patch away from all the busyness now one more thing to note when coming to Paringtritis Beach this is home to the queen of the south and local folklore warns visitors not to wear green clothes while visiting her domain or she will entice you into the ocean where you will drown good news I’m not wearing anything green today so I should be able to safely show you around the beautiful and busy at this point Parangtritis Beach.

Leaving Parangtritis beach behind we move along the coast and there is two much quieter beaches that are barely developed there’s Parangkusumo Beach and Pelangi Beach they both have the same soft dark sand and quite rough seas but there is far less happening on the beach so is a nice option if you want to escape all the activities of parangtritis beach and maybe get a bit of peace and quiet to yourself Our final beach for the day is Depok Beach and this is becoming famous because of the delicious fresh seafood you can buy here again the beach itself has the dark soft sand and crashing waves and there are numerous activities to do along the beach but the real reason to visit here is that this is where many local fishermen land their catch and lots of people come down to buy the delicious fresh squid fish lobster and crab that is caught along this coastline most of Yogyakarta fresh seafood comes from this beach.

Local warungs have sprung up amongst the fishing fleet giving you the opportunity to sample some of these delicacies Oh well it seems fitting that I’m ending the day in the same place as I started the day at this beautiful viewpoint looking down the coast over the beaches that we’ve been exploring today and that’s been a bit of a surprise I must admit or a shock. The scenery is stunning, amazing coast and we really only explored three beaches which are really three parts of one very very long beach that stretches up this coast now I must admit the first beach I went to I was a bit shocked with all that was going on on the beach the quadbikes the motorbikes the cars driving up on the beach can’t say I approve of that you come to a beautiful place and then you destroy the environment not my idea anyway and people still throwing litter down cigarette butts, not taking it home, whatever you take with you please take home leaving the environment beautiful for all the other people who want to come and see it so that was a bit shocking went further down further I got away from the area and away from the coach parties in the groups did find some beautiful isolated stretches of beach the coast long here is quite wild so it’s not exactly swimming territory there is some good surf spots to be had along here though I didn’t have a surfboard with me I did see one surfer but yes it is a beautiful scenery is it worth driving from Jogja down here for the beach? If you want to sit on the beach relaxing the peaceful quiet under a palm tree No, I have to say no.

If you’re going to come down with a family enjoy a nice fish meal on the beach and then Depak where the fishing village is, they specialize in the seafood then yes it is worth the drive, it’s a little bit cooler the scenery is beautiful if you’re expecting quiet and white sandy beaches no the beach here is while it’s very very soft is the dark volcanic kind it’s a very very beautiful good for sunbathing on and even though there’s those three main points where people tend to converge on the beach just walk a little bit along the beach or drive a little further on go on you will find a quiet spot there is 70 kilometers of beach here most people stay in those like three little spots so you will find yourself a bit of space there isn’t a great deal of shade along the beach, n the first beach we went to there were some umbrellas we could sit under and see out, but there’s no trees right along the beach this coast can get quite wild with both high waves and high winds coming in so there’s no real shade so bring your own shade these are just as the main beaches that are close within an hour’s ride of Yogyakarta, apparently there is dozens I’ve saw a listing of 43 other beaches that along this coast most of them like an hour and a half two hours away from Jogja so they will be quieter and quite different hopefully more environmentally sensitive protected beaches I hope so, but I’ve enjoyed my day it’s really great everybody’s very happy and enjoying it I just wish people if you come down here please please please don’t leave your rubbish take it home don’t drive on the beach or use any motor vehicle on the beach polluting the beauty that we want to leave for other people and come down and enjoy

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