Explore Denpasar: AMAZING AYAM BAKAR TALIWANG, Bajra Sandhi Monument + Local Scenes | Travel Bali

Denpasar: The Capital of Bali, Indonesia

In today’s episode join us as we explore a bit of Denpasar, the capital of Bali, Indonesia.We try some Lombok cuisine for the first time: Ayam Bakar Taliwang and the amazing Lombokian sambal!We also check out the gorgeous Bajra Sandhi Monument and the local scene there, plus a bit of a drive around Denpasar to survey the daily life in this community.it’s so rainy right now that the roads are flooded….even we saw a lot of shops along the way here and the interior of the shops are flooded with the rain water from the rains from last night.i think it doesn’t work… did you see?it’s knee high… oh you see rescue boat!Oh my god….sorry i cannot english be friendly yeah?You do a very good job, we go a different way!oh yeah, you must be careful okay!Hati Hati!Take care have a nice day!right now it’s lunch time.Actually it’s 2.40pm….it’s way past lunch time but we are starving!

30 Years of Ayam Bakar Taliwang Baru – Expect

So today we are here at Ayam Bakar Taliwang Baru, right in Denpasar Bali and it’s a halal restaurant.Its specialty obviously is Ayam Bakar….we’re super excited to try it out.let’s go!All right so i’ve got the manager of Ayam Bakar Taliwang Baru with me right now.what is your name?Ari.oh hello Ari!What are the most famous dishes in this restaurant?bestseller?Ayam Bakar Taliwang … uh Ayam Sambal Matah!It is crazy spicy!hot yeah?oh no… very spicy!Good for Vitaly not so good for me!So how long has this restaurant been here?uh 30 years!oh yeah wow so we’ll be eating the Ayam Bakar they have been cooking for 30 years today… should be good!thank you!they have a big menu including some awesome looking sets but in the end we wanted to try more variety so we went a la carte.Okay so now we wait!i didn’t realize this but this is gonna be another meal in which we eat with our hands!So i’ve already washed my paws….

Explore Denpasar: AMAZING AYAM BAKAR TALIWANG, Bajra Sandhi Monument + Local Scenes | Travel Bali

Delicious Kampong Chicken Curry at Ayam Bakar Taliwang

soap and water… but they actually very kindly give you a little bowl of water at your table so you know in between, i guess, if you need, that’s for that!i’m gonna start with this Ayam Bakar Taliwang!they actually use kampong chicken here… young chicken.Apparently the chickens are grown free-ranged and are only three or four months old when they are harvested, ensuring a tender tastiness.All right, a bit of a rookie at this ….don’t quite know what to do but let’s go for it.This is a very tiny tiny chicken… oh okay i got a little piece and….the spices on this Ayam Bakar Taliwang is very nice!it’s a bit unusual… i’ve never quite tasted this concoction or spices before… the overwhelming taste is fragrant with a bit of sweetness… tangy …tangy… maybe some garlic in it … something very aromatic … a lot of umami sure… sure … oh very nice nice that’s a wonderful discovery!This succulent juicy little chicken bit….Mamma mia!very nice!

Traditional Lombok Chicken Dish

i’m going to shovel in the rice to counter the spice!So this chicken dish hails from the Taliwang village in Lombok.this is traditional Lombokian cuisine at its best.it’s become new favorite restaurant!and more and more i like to eat with hand….it’s more natural Not to forget also the unique mouth-watering Lombok sambal.this sambal is so amazing, i was looking to buy some home later.nice yeah?check this out this is the most magnificent sambal matah i have ever seen!you can see the oil and the lime that they’ve drizzled onto the sambal matah… the chili all the the little onions i’m starting to salivate just looking at this… this looks amazing.i really like sambal matah, i’ve been in love with sambal matah since i came to Bali this looks lethal however so i’m just gonna like talk it off oh it’s not one piece of chicken it’s like some pieces of chicken what part of the chicken is this?this is so bizarre… i don’t recognize this.What is this?

Ayam Bakar – A Delicious Experience from Lombok

i think it’s also grilled but with less of the dark sauces… and then after that they smother it with the Sambal Matah.okay this might kill me but it’s so good… i’m gonna die in food spicy heaven.enough ten different layers of flavor coming through this simple dish of Ayam Bakar ….the Sambal Matah… i taste the grill … a little bit of a smoky flavor oh the chili!the onion!i love this onions here you know in the sambal matah is very strong oniony you know but it’s real fragrant….so fragrant the perfume of the sambal matah just infuses the whole chicken and it gives it so many layers of taste ….it’s incredible!then you have some kind of like fragrant oil….maybe onion oil?coming through as you eat it….so good … ah the simplest things that rocks your world!okay this is spicy but so good… actually this cuisine is from Lombok.

Denpasar’s Local Flavors: Satay, Sambal,

this restaurant is serving us Lombok food so maybe that’s why, you know, we haven’t really encountered this particular concoction of spices before.It’s very nice!okay so then now we have this satay….actually not quite sure what it is … it looks ….resembles our usual sate lilit… which is usually very nice this is awesome!you can taste the grill… a lovely smoky flavor and then adding this chicken meat that’s been minced as usual there’s always lemongrass in there… a bit of onion … lots of tasty things … chillies very nice … it’s coconut i feel… it’s just a kaleidoscope of flavors on your tongue!i like it so much.let’s try to put some sambal.this is gorgeous!i love it!it’s very good!best stuff!very nice!okay normally gizzard is not so appealing to me but it’s nice oh my god this is amazing i’m sure there’s shrimp paste in there … so strong taste of this belachan… the shrimp taste is so good… so much umami so much flavor … oh my god… this sambal!

Fantastic Sambal – A Local Denpasar Dish You Must

very very impressive.Recommend come here even just for the sambal!He just ate the sambal straight from the pot with his fingers!But okay i can understand why he did that.very nice sambal here ….fantastic and now Plecing Kangkung we see around all the time and i think the Plecing refers to the sauce on top… it’s got tomatoes and chili definitely sure.i suppose with this i have to mix it up with my fingers because as usual i have learned for the local cuisine everything is best when you mix it up and the sauce is everywhere and, you know, the sambal gets all over … the peanuts … the coconut shavings….I think i believe this is probably how they eat it… how it’s meant to be so that all the flavors melt together.so fresh!i always loved taugeh but i have never had it this way!i don’t know if they put like, i don’t know what they put, maybe lime?maybe fish sauce?

The Best Jeruk Orange Juice in Denpasar

but there’s something a little bit salty but very fresh tasting in here And the texture from the peanuts… the coconut shavings… they’ve got a lot of crunch but a lot of juice from the fresh veggies at the same time.So amazing Here i must say interesting..interesting… i cannot understand this small note.maybe it’s this… yeah i think this is not fresh… it’s marinated!A little bit of vinegary taste yeah… Amazing!wow okay… i’m in food heaven but it’s also killing me.My tongue is on flames so i’ve got to go use this little basket or thing oh i think it’s not just water… maybe it’s water with something because it’s really nice it’s really good at getting rid of the oil.i need to hit my drink so this is the first time i’m trying this Es Jeruk (orange) mixed with Es Kelapa (coconut).Very nice!i don’t like normal orange juice because that’s kind of acidic but the Jeruk here is so sweet it’s far less acidic it’s very very mild i like it so much ….

Explore Denpasar: A Magnificent City of Splendors

and now when you mix that very lovely Jeruk juice with coconut water this is an incredible mixture.i love it!yeah i love it!oh and look here they even give you toothpaste at the washing bay… i think this is to get rid of the the smell in your fingers after you eat… i’m not quite sure if i’m doing it correctly but maybe this is because their rempah that they use….the spices ….Is so good and so strong yeah … okay very nice awesome!smells like fresh breath!okay our lunch was 245 thousand.With lunch out of the way we went on to explore Denpasar for a bit.Bali in Denpasar seems much grander… trees so big they must be centuries old….wide old avenues, grand statues, dignified buildings….There’s a street dedicated to electronic gadgets so we made a quick pit stop at the Ibox store.

Denpasar’s Bajra Sandhi Monument: A Peaceful

Eventually we made our way to one of Denpasar’s major landmarks.We’re in the area running errands and we decided to drop by a really famous tourist spot here in Denpasar – the Bajra Sandhi Monument and it is so impressive … it’s so beautiful yeah ….yeah it’s incredible!so this Bajra Sandhi Monument… it’s a really nice sort of break from the hustle and bustle that is Denpasar….the traffic is really really busy….and all of a sudden we came here… we’re now standing in the middle of a very beautiful and peaceful square… lots of people are up to stuff, you know, nice leisure stuff … they’re just enjoying the park.There’s even like, street food vendors behind me selling little snacks and just people enjoying an evening walk.This monument behind me was built to commemorate the long struggles of the Balinese people throughout history including, notably, the Dutch invasion of 1906 and 1908.

Denpasar: A Culture Lover’s Paradise

This is a wonderful showcase of traditional Balinese architecture as well as the history of the Balinese struggles for independence from the Dutch colonial grip.It was unfortunately closed when we dropped by however.We even caught a silat master at practice right in front of the Monument.on this side of the park there’s so much activity going on there’s people behind us then they’re playing rugby over here they’re playing basketball further beyond the game of soccer over there as well i think some soccer training for the little boys it’s such a civilized way to spend a sunset evening here in the center of Denpasar.there’s so much food just driving around this Denpasar neighborhood.So many shopping so many shops so much food amazing i really like where we live up in the Bukit…..

Denpasar: A Portrait of a Beautiful, Peaceful City

very peaceful… far less populated but i can imagine that some people might like to live here because there is a lot of action … a lot of options for food and shopping and whatever you might need in life … and it feels like really exciting you know, like a lot of stuff going on… but i like it ….where we live but sometimes we come to the action… it’s quite nice too… yeah it is….this is nice to occasionally plunge into this potpourri of excitement.Anyway hope you enjoyed today’s episode and don’t forget to click like and subscribe to our channel!see you!bye!.

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