Indrayanti Beach, Gunung Kidul Yogyakarta – Beautiful Natural Tourism – White Sand Beach Yogyakarta

assalamualaikum Wr.Wb in this video I want to share information about Indrayanti Beach watch this video until it’s finished Friends before continuing I ask for your help Click the subscribe button and the bell image to get information on our latest video and also click the like button so that we are more enthusiastic make another video, hopefully all of you friends will be given health, safety , abundant sustenance and convenience wherever you are, Amen. Friends of Indrayanti Beach, it turns out that they have a very unique background, friends, if we hear the name, it feels different from other beaches in the area. This other beach generally uses a place name, while this beach is different. The name Indrayanti Beach is actually not an official name from the government.

This name is taken from the name of the Indrayanti restaurant which is not far from the location . This restaurant is well known to visitors so that it becomes a marker or symbol of this place. long time from mouth to mouth this place is better known as Indrayanti beach, the name Indrayanti itself is taken from the combination of the names of the restaurant owners, namely Mr.

Indra and Mrs. Yanti.

The official name used by the government for this beach is Sawal return beach. It’s just because visitors and local residents already know this place is called Indrayanti Beach. Finally this place is more famous as Indrayanti beach. At a glance we will know that this beach is cleaner than other beaches in general. It is all thanks to the hard work of the manager in maintaining this beach.

If we talk about the character of this beach, friends, this beach has nice and clean white sand with grains of sand that are not too small the water on this beach is also very clear so we can see sea animals hiding in the rocks like looking in an aquarium, very interesting right on the west side there are rocks and the cliff where we can climb up to the cliff and take pictures with a very beautiful view, while in the east there is also a cliff that says Bukit Karang.

Besides the white sand that looks beautiful, in the east there is also a stretch of rocks that we can use as a hunting area for small sea animals such as shells, snails, etc. But remember you have to be careful because there could be sea urchins or jellyfish or other dangerous animals. My advice is to make sure the animal is safe to approach and use a catching tool and avoid touching the animal directly with your hands. this place has lots of sea urchins, friends, not sea urchins who like to steal money, yes, but thorny sea animals that can pierce our skin so you have to be careful besides that there are also sea slugs, sea crabs and fish small starfish and so on, yes.

After we had fun hunting sea animals, it’s time for us to play in the water because we play in the the beach won’t be complete until we get wet, right, my friends? In the afternoon the sea waves are getting bigger and it looks like the beach surface is also rising because of the tide without us knowing we have been playing almost all day on this beach and the sun is almost setting it’s time for us to pack up and end our game Before that we also don’t forget to return the animals The sea that we captured earlier returned to its place so that it lives and is sustainable.

Friends, that was the information about Indrayanti Beach. Once again, forget to click the subscribe button and the bell image and also click the like button so that we are more enthusiastic about making other videos, see you in our next video, wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.