Hi, assalamualaikum, sugeng rawuh on the elocer channel, how are you, friends, elocker, hopefully all are well and always in good health, in this video, elocker will inform you about five tourist attractions that are in one route. So if you go to Jogja and only have one time Today, this route is perfect for friends, because in one direction, you can get five tourist attractions at once. Now, let’s start the journey from Jalan Raya Piyungan Prambanan . Then we will have a T-junction and turn left onto Jalan Candi Ijo Hai. This road can be passed by motorbikes, cars or tourism buses, so it is perfect for elocker friends who want to hold a tour to Jogja to get to these five tourist attraction locations, make sure the condition of the elocker friend’s vehicle is in a fit state because the road conditions here are very uphill , now this is the first tourist attraction, namely the object Breccia cliff tours for entrance tickets to this Breccia cliff tourism object, right?

the price is 10 thousand per person and this Breccia cliff is open from 8 am to eight in the evening before being a tourist spot .

Which states that the rocks at the mining site are rocks originating from the volcanic activity of the Nglanggeran Ancient Volcano, then the location of this mining is designated as a protected place and is not allowed for mining activities . Friends, our elocker friends are still on the breccia cliff so we go up to the cliff In this breccia, you will be quite tired or tired because the parking lot is down there, we have to go up and here we are at the top and we are here on Sunday and it’s very busy here, so friends can take pictures here already made like ta man-park so it’s also kids friendly if you take the kids you’ll like it if you bring your parents, you have to be extra patient because they must be tired when you go up here . Sultan Hamengkubuwono 10 inaugurated this breccia cliff as a new tourist attraction in Jogja and several local artists have given an artistic touch to the cliff wall, namely by providing art carvings in the form of reliefs and sculptures from wayang stories such as the sculpture of Arjuna killing Buto Cakil Then there is also a dragon sculpture with its crown and also a statue of Semar, this cliff was indeed formed millions of years ago, although now it is no longer a place for mining, the remnants of mining activities are able to present sculptural ornaments that make this cliff look like a layer cake.

Friends of elocker can also rent a tourist Jeep on the cliff of Breccia With prices starting from 315,000 per jeep, you will be invited to tour the cliffs of Breka, candi.

ijo watupayung and also the obelix hills , you can also go to Teletubbies hill, Pereng tourist village and end up in the tourist village of domes houses on Breccia cliffs. This is already quite famous because Obama, the former president of America, has come here .

Continue the journey, that is, we just keep on following this asphalt path, all the way to the next tourist attraction, later we will pass some Jeeps . Ijo is located the highest among other temples in all of Jogjakarta, candi.ijo was built around the 9th century on a hill known as Bukit Hijau or Gumuk Ijo which is about 410 meters above sea level because of that height, it is not just a temple building.

that can be enjoyed but also the natural scenery below in the form of a terrace-te races are like agricultural areas with a steep slope after traveling at Candi Ijo, friends of elocker can continue walking and later will find a cafe that has recently gone viral in Jogja, namely Lesung Cafe Lesung Cafe is a restaurant that offers a very beautiful view with Javanese Balinese nuances for The full review Elocer friends can also check our previous video because Ellocker has done a complete review of this Lesung Cafe.


Lesung Cafe is open from 03.00 pm to 09.00 pm and on Monday Lesung Cafe is closed. If you come here, make sure it is in the afternoon and I made a reservation in advance , so for the first route, you can go to the Breccia cliff then to Candi Ijo and yes to another tourist attraction first and then stop by this Lesung Cafe after passing Lesung Cafe we ​​will continue to walk straight ahead and on this road the way quite uphill so make sure the elocer friend is careful because in addition to going uphill there are also there are many bends here Hi after passing through the winding road we finally arrived at the fourth tourist attraction, namely Watu Langit Jogja Cafe Watu Langit Yogyakarta is open from 10 am to 09.

00 pm and on Mondays it is closed to enter this sky stone, you don’t need to be elocker pay for the entrance ticket so here is free HTM and also free photos and friends of elocer can also hold events or meetings because here there is a private room itself and can be reserved in advance from this sky stone we can see a very beautiful view from a height and Previously, we also had a review about the Watu Langit Jogja Cafe tourist attraction , for elocer friends who want to know the full review about the Jogja sky time, you can scroll, see our previous video, this sky stone also consists of several floors of the building and the best sports that’s the top floor.

Now, after passing through the sky stone, we go straight keep going straight, now the road will be even more uphill and also more winding so you have to be really careful. Hi, this is the road to obelix hills to get to obelix hills. This is quite stressful because the road is getting smaller or narrower so we You have to be careful, you have to keep your distance too because if you pass between cars , it’s a bit dangerous because the left and right will be cliffs or ravines, but later on in the middle of the journey, you will find local people who will inform you whether you have to keep going or stop first, so because of this road only one lane so we have to wait if for example there is a crossroads or not between cars.

Well finally we arrived at the last tourist attraction, which is the fifth, namely Obelix Hills and here Obelix Hills has provided a fairly large parking space and Obelix Hills is open from today Monday to Friday 10.

00 to 09.00 and on Saturday and Sunday or national holidays it is open from seven in the morning to 09.00 at night to enter this obelix hills we have to pay an entrance ticket and for the entrance ticket itself from Monday to Friday which is 15000 per person while for Saturday Sunday and holidays it is 20 thousand per person . This Obelix hills is one of the favorite destinations in the city of Jogjakarta because this destination stands on hills with real rocks and for a full review, Elocer’s friends can also check the Obelix Hills review because Elocer had previously reviewed this Obelix Hills, so just scroll through the video we who are below there already have a review of obelix hills ..

at obelix hills it offers 30 free and Instagramable photo spots and there are also paid spots but if your friend just wants to hang out and take pictures in a free area, you can and finally that’s the review for five tourist attractions with one road or one lane at once useful for all elocer friends and don’t forget to click the Subscribe button and leave a comment or like Thank you Wassalamualaikum bye bye bye